Create an Account

Enter your details below to create your free OrbusVR account. Please enter a valid email address, as we'll use that to contact you if there are any issues with your account.

What is OrbusVR?

OrbusVR is the new indie MMORPG designed specifically for room-scale virtual reality. For more details, visit our homepage.

Is it free to create an account?

Yes, it's totally free to create an account for OrbusVR. There are additional costs for playing the game, but you will have the option to sign up for those later. We won't ask for your payment information unless you decide to purchase an additional product.

What Terms of Service am I agreeing to?

In short: you're agreeing to use the site (and play the game) the way it was meant to be played. That means you agree not to abuse our servers, harass other players, or just generally cause us or your fellow players a lot of grief. If you want to read the legalese, you can do so: Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.